Offline Marketing Methods Every Business Should Employ

It seems today, all the hype that surrounds new marketing techniques focuses on what can be done in the digital realm. After all, the majority of new customer outreach for many businesses occurs here, and it is very important to make a good first impression in this medium. Unfortunately, many people are forgetting about the tried and true measures that can attract customers to their brick and mortar locations. In many cases, the two can be combined to create a very synergistic marketing effort, but you’ll first need to be aware of what can be done in the physical realm. As such, we’ve put together a list of offline marketing methods that every business should employ if they want to see more in-person business.


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Revitalising Your Sign

Visibility – in all aspects – is highly crucial to any business, large or small. After years of weathering any changes in marketing tactics, your sign may be appearing old and worn-out. Even worse is the possibility that your sign isn’t big enough nor flashy enough to attract attention from passersby. Any small business in particular has to rely in part on direct visibility with potential customers, and as such, it is highly important to consider designing and having installed a new sign for your business. Whether it’s signs in Vancouver or signs in Beijing, a well-designed, new and highly visible sign can make a world of difference in bringing people through the doors.

Business Card and Flyer Distribution

While it remains a very old tactic, the distribution of business cards, flyers and other printed materials at a variety of locations is still a remarkably effective strategy given its low cost. Any small business can quickly have a ton of cards, flyers, mailers and other materials printed that can then be distributed in a variety of methods. If done carefully, then this material can also be evergreen, meaning that it will not be a time-sensitive form of marketing that has to be disposed of after a certain date. From gas stations and personal meetings to bulletin boards and mailboxes, there are plenty of applications for getting the word out about your business or brand in this way.

Donate Gift Cards and Prizes

One way to drum up recognition of your products and services is to put them at the forefront of people’s minds via contests. Your community undoubtedly has a variety of giveaways, contests and other promotions for various organisations throughout the year. One way to boost your offline marketing tactics, providing a gift card or prize – particularly when it intertwines the reward with one of your products or services – is a great way to get people talking about your brand as well as visiting it in person. Especially effective with charitable organisations, this approach can foster goodwill between select portions of the community and your small business.

Let Us Know

Know of any other offline marketing tactics that have worked well for you? Let us know about them in the comments section below, so that we all can benefit from each others’ experiences!

Adler Moris provides white label content marketing planning and implementation services, specializing in SEO and Internet marketing. You can connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.