A Review On Sylodium

Sylodium, a representation of International Trade on the internet. A new system and a world map where the knots are the crossings amongst cities.

Advantages of our trade ideas on how to be global in the best way on the internet.

  • System Trade
  • You can choose your target markets.
  • You segment your publicity as we segment trade.
  • You can widen your markets, or starting import export business, and/or leverage opportunities to export,
  • You can tailor your trade strategy for each country improving your international
  • Marketing plan, export plan and import plan.
  • TOP positions for your Ads in Google.
  • Multiplication of Ads.

         IF YOU ARE EXPORTER and/or IMPORTER, or manage any global business, your unique

         Ad, will be seen at many places.

         For example:

        – 1 Source City and 1 Target City, for example: Buenos Aires – New York. USA– 7

           PLACES (2 Cities, 2 Countries India and USA, 1 City crossing, 1 Country crossings, and

           1 category).

         – 1 Source City, 1 Target Country. Buenos Aires – USA (50 cities), 57 places

       – 2 Source cities a Target area, Buenos Aires and Mendoza– European Union (300

           cities) 2 x 300 . 600 places

        – And 1 or 2 categories

  • Less Competition

You reduce your competence of your Ads on the Internet, Less competitors, as there are hundreds of thousands crossings in internatinal trade 200 x 200 country crossings, 1000 x 1000 city crossings, you’ll be in the hundreds or thousands you want while many others will be in other different thousands of crossings.

  • Best SEO. SEO Trade. Global SEO

Google search the answers for people who are looking at millions of documents, so if we give the exact links of international trade, the real links of international trade to Google, Country Crossings.


       TOP positions for your Ads in Google and in our URL, in our meta – title, in our meta description.

       – We channel your SEO

       – We illuminate the routes to Google at once

       – We make the routes to you

  • Natural Attraction

As consequence of point 1, point 2, point 3, and point 4, you’ll be seen by people you want to be seen. And also, for those spectators of crossings that could think in offer their transport with border partners or abroad, labeling, financial services, or selling aluminum to an industrial company, or cok to a wine company…, etc. in each crossing.

  • Social Network

It’s a directory that has Social Networking features, you can select the button as such as:

       – Buy – Buy to China, buy to Indonesia

       – Sell – Sell to Nigeria, sell to Egypt

       – Alliance – With any company of the network

       – Follow – To see the movements of your competitors or suppliers, sellers, etc.

With such unique system and features, Sylodium has proved to be the center of attraction for businesses globally. Business Consulates and Embassies have been in touch to maximize it’s potential.

We’re are trending on Twitter with tags as such as #BilateralTrades & #GlobalPlatform. Join the wave and take your business to the next level.

Visit our site: https://www.Sylodium.com

Adler Moris provides white label content marketing planning and implementation services, specializing in SEO and Internet marketing. You can connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.